Animated maintenance page using Html and css

Animated Maintenance Page

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Introduction of Animated Maintenance Page HTML CSS

Here we are going to make a Animated Maintenance Page HTML CSS page with the help of HTM, CSS, and bootstrap. This page is used when a person makes changes to their website. They cannot show their website, so they have to show something else to tell the user that the website is under process and they have to wait until they complete the process of the website. On this page, you’ll see that an image with animation will be given and some text, like a 404 error, will be written. This text will represent that the website is under processing; please wait until the process is completed successfully.

Let’s start making it together by doing simple code step by step so everyone can understand it with clarity without any doubt, and if anyone has any problems related to this project, they can contact us using the email address given at the bottom of the website. We have written the basic concept of code so that no one has to face any problems. I hope this project will be beneficial for you all.


First, we will create the structure of the Maintenance Page HTML CSS . In this first step, we will write the title of the website in the heading tag, and then we will add an animated image of a clock for people waiting, and then we will insert an image of a person with a computer and some tags to add two leaves for some decoration, and at the end we will make a process icon in the image of the computer. The tags used in it, like the title tag (which is used to give the title of any project), the image tag (which is used to insert the image), and some divs for writing any texts, We will design the HTML elements in CSS.

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        <div class="col-md-10 main-title">
          <h2>under construction</h2>
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644.053 243.96 644.126V646.956H252.35V644.126C252.35 644.053 252.365 643.98 252.393 643.912C252.421 643.844 252.462 643.782 252.514 643.73C252.566 643.678 252.628 643.637 252.696 643.608C252.764 643.58 252.837 643.566 252.91 643.566H266.34C266.414 643.566 266.487 643.58 266.555 643.608C266.623 643.637 266.684 643.678 266.736 643.73C266.789 643.782 266.83 643.844 266.858 643.912C266.886 643.98 266.9 644.053 266.9 644.126V646.956H275.3V644.126C275.3 644.053 275.315 643.98 275.343 643.912C275.371 643.844 275.412 643.782 275.464 643.73C275.516 643.678 275.578 643.637 275.646 643.608C275.714 643.58 275.787 643.566 275.86 643.566H289.29C289.364 643.566 289.437 643.58 289.505 643.608C289.573 643.637 289.634 643.678 289.687 643.73C289.739 643.782 289.78 643.844 289.808 643.912C289.836 643.98 289.85 644.053 289.85 644.126V646.956H298.24V644.126C298.24 644.053 298.255 643.98 298.283 643.912C298.311 643.844 298.352 643.782 298.404 643.73C298.456 643.678 298.518 643.637 298.586 643.608C298.654 643.58 298.727 643.566 298.8 643.566H312.23C312.304 643.566 312.377 643.58 312.445 643.608C312.513 643.637 312.574 643.678 312.626 643.73C312.679 643.782 312.72 643.844 312.748 643.912C312.776 643.98 312.79 644.053 312.79 644.126V646.956H321.18V644.126C321.18 644.053 321.195 643.98 321.223 643.912C321.251 643.844 321.292 643.782 321.344 643.73C321.396 643.678 321.458 643.637 321.526 643.608C321.594 643.58 321.667 643.566 321.74 643.566H335.17C335.244 643.566 335.317 643.58 335.385 643.608C335.453 643.637 335.514 643.678 335.566 643.73C335.619 643.782 335.66 643.844 335.688 643.912C335.716 643.98 335.73 644.053 335.73 644.126V646.956H344.13V644.126C344.13 644.053 344.145 643.98 344.173 643.912C344.201 643.844 344.242 643.782 344.294 643.73C344.346 643.678 344.408 643.637 344.476 643.608C344.544 643.58 344.617 643.566 344.69 643.566H358.12C358.194 643.566 358.267 643.58 358.335 643.608C358.403 643.637 358.464 643.678 358.516 643.73C358.569 643.782 358.61 643.844 358.638 643.912C358.666 643.98 358.68 644.053 358.68 644.126V646.956H367.07V644.126C367.07 644.053 367.085 643.98 367.113 643.912C367.141 643.844 367.182 643.782 367.234 643.73C367.286 643.678 367.348 643.637 367.416 643.608C367.484 643.58 367.557 643.566 367.63 643.566H472.83C472.904 643.566 472.977 643.58 473.045 643.608C473.113 643.637 473.174 643.678 473.227 643.73C473.279 643.782 473.32 643.844 473.348 643.912C473.376 643.98 473.39 644.053 473.39 644.126V646.956H481.79V644.126C481.79 644.053 481.805 643.98 481.833 643.912C481.861 643.844 481.902 643.782 481.954 643.73C482.006 643.678 482.068 643.637 482.136 643.608C482.204 643.58 482.277 643.566 482.35 643.566H495.78C495.928 643.568 496.07 643.627 496.175 643.732C496.279 643.836 496.339 643.978 496.34 644.126V646.956H504.73V644.126C504.73 644.053 504.745 643.98 504.773 643.912C504.801 643.844 504.842 643.782 504.894 643.73C504.946 643.678 505.008 643.637 505.076 643.608C505.144 643.58 505.217 643.566 505.29 643.566H518.72C518.794 643.566 518.867 643.58 518.935 643.608C519.003 643.637 519.065 643.678 519.117 643.73C519.169 643.782 519.21 643.844 519.238 643.912C519.266 643.98 519.28 644.053 519.28 644.126V646.956H527.67V644.126C527.67 644.053 527.685 643.98 527.713 643.912C527.741 643.844 527.782 643.782 527.834 643.73C527.886 643.678 527.948 643.637 528.016 643.608C528.084 643.58 528.157 643.566 528.23 643.566H541.66C541.734 643.566 541.807 643.58 541.875 643.608C541.943 643.637 542.005 643.678 542.057 643.73C542.109 643.782 542.15 643.844 542.178 643.912C542.206 643.98 542.22 644.053 542.22 644.126V646.956H550.62V644.126C550.62 644.053 550.635 643.98 550.663 643.912C550.691 643.844 550.732 643.782 550.784 643.73C550.836 643.678 550.898 643.637 550.966 643.608C551.034 643.58 551.107 643.566 551.18 643.566H564.61C564.757 643.568 564.898 643.628 565.001 643.733C565.104 643.838 565.161 643.979 565.16 644.126V646.956H573.56V644.126C573.56 644.053 573.575 643.98 573.603 643.912C573.631 643.844 573.672 643.782 573.724 643.73C573.776 643.678 573.838 643.637 573.906 643.608C573.974 643.58 574.047 643.566 574.12 643.566H587.55C587.624 643.566 587.697 643.58 587.765 643.608C587.833 643.637 587.895 643.678 587.947 643.73C587.999 643.782 588.04 643.844 588.068 643.912C588.096 643.98 588.111 644.053 588.11 644.126V646.956H596.5V644.126C596.5 644.053 596.515 643.98 596.543 643.912C596.571 643.844 596.612 643.782 596.664 643.73C596.716 643.678 596.778 643.637 596.846 643.608C596.914 643.58 596.987 643.566 597.06 643.566H610.49C610.564 643.566 610.637 643.58 610.705 643.608C610.773 643.637 610.835 643.678 610.887 643.73C610.939 643.782 610.98 643.844 611.008 643.912C611.036 643.98 611.051 644.053 611.05 644.126V646.956H650.22C651.984 646.956 653.731 647.303 655.36 647.977C656.99 648.652 658.471 649.641 659.718 650.889C660.965 652.136 661.954 653.616 662.629 655.246C663.304 656.876 663.651 658.622 663.65 660.386Z"
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              <g id="clock">
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                  d="M115.016 135.145C113.976 134.365 112.71 133.943 111.41 133.943C110.109 133.943 108.844 134.365 107.803 135.145C107.091 135.686 106.505 136.375 106.084 137.165C105.552 138.181 105.322 139.329 105.421 140.473C105.52 141.616 105.944 142.707 106.643 143.617C107.343 144.527 108.288 145.218 109.368 145.608C110.447 145.998 111.616 146.07 112.735 145.817C113.855 145.564 114.878 144.996 115.685 144.179C116.492 143.363 117.048 142.333 117.288 141.211C117.528 140.088 117.441 138.921 117.039 137.846C116.636 136.771 115.934 135.834 115.016 135.145H115.016ZM111.41 143.56C110.454 143.557 109.539 143.176 108.863 142.501C108.187 141.825 107.806 140.909 107.803 139.954C107.808 139.224 108.03 138.513 108.441 137.91C108.793 137.4 109.271 136.989 109.828 136.718C110.385 136.447 111.003 136.324 111.622 136.361C112.241 136.398 112.84 136.595 113.361 136.931C113.881 137.267 114.306 137.732 114.595 138.281C114.883 138.83 115.025 139.444 115.007 140.063C114.988 140.683 114.811 141.288 114.49 141.818C114.17 142.349 113.718 142.788 113.179 143.093C112.639 143.399 112.03 143.559 111.41 143.56V143.56Z"
              <g id="leftTree">
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                  d="M107.744 639.255L122.626 617.124L107.774 641.636L107.805 644.126C106.719 644.135 105.643 644.117 104.577 644.072L105.316 612.06L105.295 611.813L105.323 611.766L105.393 608.741L89.0953 585.078L105.374 606.477L105.432 607.116L105.989 582.93L91.9123 558.397L106.029 578.681L105.882 528.574L105.882 528.407L105.887 528.571L106.822 568.062L119.651 552.021L106.864 571.464L107.144 593.098L118.949 571.984L107.187 596.279L107.343 608.309L124.512 578.897L107.395 612.505L107.744 639.255Z"
              <g id="righTree">
                  d="M798.594 599.754C799.527 631.704 780.859 643.413 757.43 644.097C756.886 644.113 756.345 644.123 755.805 644.126C754.719 644.135 753.643 644.117 752.577 644.072C731.389 643.193 714.617 631.945 713.75 602.232C712.852 571.482 751.018 531.529 753.882 528.574L753.887 528.571C753.996 528.458 754.052 528.402 754.052 528.402C754.052 528.402 797.661 567.807 798.594 599.754Z"
                  d="M755.744 639.255L770.626 617.124L755.774 641.636L755.805 644.126C754.719 644.135 753.643 644.117 752.577 644.072L753.316 612.06L753.295 611.813L753.323 611.766L753.393 608.741L737.095 585.078L753.374 606.477L753.432 607.116L753.989 582.93L739.912 558.397L754.029 578.681L753.882 528.574L753.882 528.407L753.887 528.571L754.822 568.062L767.651 552.021L754.864 571.464L755.144 593.098L766.949 571.984L755.187 596.279L755.343 608.309L772.512 578.897L755.395 612.505L755.744 639.255Z"
              <g id="pc-circle">
                  d="M422.5 512.326C436.307 512.326 447.5 501.133 447.5 487.326C447.5 473.519 436.307 462.326 422.5 462.326C408.693 462.326 397.5 473.519 397.5 487.326C397.5 501.133 408.693 512.326 422.5 512.326Z"
              <clipPath id="clip0">
                <rect width="833.5" height="689.223" fill="white" />
      <footer class="footer">
        <div class="container text-center">

    <!-- Optional JavaScript -->
    <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS -->


Now, after making the structure of the Maintenance Page HTML CSS , we will make it designable using CSS (an external stylesheet attached to the HTML page). In this, we will give styling, like fixing the position and size of the title written in the heading tag. Then we will adjust the clock and person image, like the size of images and positions.

We will give the background color also and will make it move with the help of animation done with @ keyframe (tthis is the framework of CSS used to give the animation of any web page).

    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;

    font-size: 62.5%; /* 1rem = 10px */

    font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
    font-weight: 400;
    line-height: 1.7;
    color: #777;

    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 4rem;
    margin-bottom: 8rem;
    1px 0px 1px #ccc, 0px 1px 1px #eee, 
    2px 1px 1px #ccc, 1px 2px 1px #eee,
    3px 2px 1px #ccc, 2px 3px 1px #eee,
    4px 3px 1px #ccc, 3px 4px 1px #eee,
    5px 4px 1px #ccc, 4px 5px 1px #eee,
    6px 5px 1px #ccc, 5px 6px 1px #eee,
    7px 6px 1px #ccc;

.main-title h1{
    font-size: 7rem;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-weight: 800;
    color: #555;

.main-title h2{
    font-size: 4rem;
    font-weight: 300;
    text-transform: uppercase;

   display: block;
   margin: auto;

    display: block;
   margin: auto;

    animation: clockHand 5s infinite linear;
    transform-box: fill-box;
    transform-origin: bottom;

#leftTree, #righTree{
    animation: tree 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    transform-box: fill-box;
    transform-origin: bottom;

    animation: manBody 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    transform-box: fill-box;
    transform-origin: bottom;

    fill: #6ace66;
    stroke-width: 4;
    animation: change-light 4s linear infinite alternate;

.footer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 35px;
    line-height: 35px;
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
    font-size: 1.3rem;

@keyframes clockHand{
        transform: rotateZ(0deg);
        transform: rotateZ(-360deg);

@keyframes manBody{
        transform: rotateX(0deg);
        transform: rotateX(10deg);

@keyframes tree{
        transform: rotateZ(10deg);
        transform: rotateZ(-20deg);

@keyframes change-light {
    0% {
        stroke: #cd61f8;
      25% {
        stroke: #6ace66;
      75% {
        stroke: #2995c0;
      100% {
        stroke: #e92949;

  /* Media Queries */

  @media (min-width: 640px){
    .main-title h1{
        font-size: 5rem;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-weight: 700;
        color: #555;
    .main-title h2{
        font-size: 3rem;
        font-weight: 300;
        text-transform: uppercase;
    @media (min-width: 768px){
        .main-title h1{
            font-size: 6rem;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            font-weight: 800;
            color: #555;
        .main-title h2{
            font-size: 4rem;
            font-weight: 300;
            text-transform: uppercase;
    @media (min-width: 1024px){
        .main-title h1{
            font-size: 7rem;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            font-weight: 900;
            color: #555;
        .main-title h2{
            font-size: 5rem;
            font-weight: 300;
            text-transform: uppercase;
    @media (min-width: 1200px){
        .main-title h1{
            font-size: 8rem;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            font-weight: 900;
            color: #555;
        .main-title h2{
            font-size: 5rem;
            font-weight: 300;
            text-transform: uppercase;

            text-align: center;
            margin-top: 4rem;
            margin-bottom: 4rem;


In the animation section, we will add animation to the clock to continuously move the needle of the clock in the clock direction. In the in-person image, we will make it move up and down with some time dilation. Also give the same animation to the leaves.

We are using @keyframe to give animation to the HTML web page. We will make animation in an animation named tag. That name will be written in the class to which we want to apply the animation. We will now give animation to the clock given on the page. In which the needle of the clock will move continuously without stopping until the user is active on the website.


After making the Animated Maintenance Page HTML CSS with decoration, we will now make it responsive. That’s why we are using bootstrap( this is a library of CSS). This is used to make the website responsive for all other devices to run smoothly without any issue by making classes in every tag. Which will have to be changed for other devices.

Bootstrap is the framework that CSS uses to make the website responsive. In this, we will make classes in every tag of HTML and use the CSS of Bootstrap. The styling output will likely be the same as in normal CSS. But the way of writing the code will be changed in Bootstrap. This makes the website easy to responsive as compared to normal CSS. In this, we do not have to give the display size. It adjusts it automatically according to the size of the device.

Output of Animated Maintenance Page HTML CSS

Finally, we made the Maintenance Page HTML CSS css using the simple code of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap by following the code step by step. You can also make such a page to include when your other website is in progress. If you want the source code, then click on the button given below to download it.

Animated maintenance page Html css

For more explanation, click on the given link to watch the full video.

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