Today’s Topic is which is good Freelancing or full-time employment. the most important part in person’s life through which most of people spends their life by doing jobs for themself or for their family. So here we are discussing about the full- time employment job and freelancing that which is better for us.
Let’s first discuss about the freelancing, this is not a proper office like job this is fully independent job you don’t need to work under any person or a group of people. Here you can work without any time boundation if you are a skilled person in your favourite work than you can easily find client on freelance who will pay you to do their work. In starting it will be hard to find work on freelance but once you start working on freelancing than you can easily find the client.

Full Time Employment
Now we will discuss about the full-time employment that should we do full time jobs or not. In full time job you need to go to office daily and you have to do work under your senior or boss. This is fully dependent job on companies for salary you have to wait for a scheduled time and you also have to face problems like :-
- Pressure of work.
- Overtime work in less income
- 8 – 10hour work in 5-6 days and have to wait for weekend to spend some personal time.
- Also have to face the anger of Boss or Manager.

What should we do? Job or Freelancing.
If you are doing job in that company which was dream and that company is paying you enough and you also are feeling comfortable by doing your job than your job is good but if you are facing problems like we discuss above in Full time employment than you should move on from your job and should start doing freelancing this would make you feel independency in work and there’s no schedule you can work but some time you have to work according to client to make good communication between freelancer and client.
After knowing all about the freelancing and full-time employment, according to me doing our self-work is much better than doing job under someone else because in freelancing you shall be self-dependent. As a freelancer you will be your own boss, in job Your salary will be fixed but in freelancing you can control your earning. You will also choose your work according to your skills and can do work for simultaneously multiple clients.
I hope you understood that which is better doing job or doing freelancing by reading above discussion.
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